Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Addicted to MAC

I have a tremendous swell of interest in any product with MAC label.

I was about to purchase a MACbook when I found this [clickhere]

What do you think?
Should I ignore it or should I go on and buy it?
I want it and i must get it!
Despite its incompatibility, i don't care.

I must have it!

I purchased these MAC make up products last Saturday.

The verdict: 5Stars

So, goodbye REVLON. Hello MAC!

Please help me decide MACbook or VAIO?
Before answering me, do read this
It made me think twice.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get a Mac. Unless u still wanna stick with Windows and update your antivirus all the time, then get a Vaio.

Macam sik boleh pakei jak website ya cip... put that tepi. Get a Mac.